Monday, June 4, 2012

Back In Tune

     It seems the last couple years between school and graduating and now the real world (working), music was not at my focal point, or should I say creating music was not at my focal point. I was still driven and inspired by music, as I always will be. Music was, is, and always will be a huuuuge part of who I am. It was a gift my father passed on to me that was far more precious than any monetary gift he could have ever given me. Music gets me through. Music fuels me, not just during sad or down and out times but during the happy times, in fact, especially during the happy times. Recently with some great losses in my life and struggles with health issues throughout my family, I felt a lot like if someone randomly started spinning the tuning keys on my guitar, I was way out of tune, with my life, with my emotions, and with what I once thought was important.

     I realized that I want to leave behind much more when I'm gone. I also want to radiate positivity from me, to my friends, to my family, and to random individuals, not just through my music, but through my actions as a person. This is something that I hope I've always done  naturally, but maybe with focus, I can be much more successful. Now lately, through music, I'm slowly getting back in tune. I'm starting to create and put my thoughts and visions to paper, then to music. My music has matured as expected from a person who has matured, but believe me I'm still a work in progress.

     I'm currently working on my first studio EP which will hopefully have six songs inspired by having fun, enjoying life, loving, living, holding on, letting go, hurting, recovering, maturing then living and loving some more. My first single from the EP is entitled "She's (All That I Need)" and is currently in the production stages after many hours of recording and building the song in the studio. It will be released as a single on iTunes as soon as it's finished and hopefully with the help of friends and fans I can get it pushed to some radio stations as well. If all goes well with the first single and with the support of everyone, I plan on using to let friends, family, and fans pre-order CD's (Physical and Digital Downloads), purchase cool rewards like private shows, autographed merchandise, and much more to raise money to finish recording the album. These are NOT just donations, you are purchasing copies of cd's, merchandise, or acoustic performances, etc. I feel like this is also a really cool way to involve other people in the music. The catch is once I start my Kickstarter campaign I will only have 30 days to raise the appropriate amount of funds for the album or all money will return to the original credit cards and I will receive none of the money for the recording. The guys at Earthwork Recording Studio in Newark are not only recording my EP, but really helping me produce a great finished radio ready sound. In closing I would like to thank all my friends and family for all the support they have given me through the years and I want this album to be about them and as a pay off for sitting through numerous shows, crowded bars, and campfires. I hope these songs will be the most enjoyable songs you've heard from me, songs that make you proud. All of you have molded me into the person and artist I am since I was young, until now. You all know who you are and again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, my love for you all will never change, no matter how often we see each other. Future posts from this blog will be not just about my music, but about music in general. This was not an easy post for me as it opened up a lot of me, but that's what music and life is about. I look forward to posting more lighthearted entries, it will be fun to post about new artists that influence me, local, national, doesn't matter. I love music, love life, love my friends, family, and supporters! I can't wait to share my new music with everyone and have a lot of fun doing it! Please, don't forget to LIVE!

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